GesprächsrundeLaughing, crying, listening, being silent, sharing, creative expression, or spending time together.

This and many other strategies, as well as activities to cope with grief are possible with us on a voluntary basis. For us, the main thing is that it helps you in your grief.

You can also just be there and even bring a friend with you. Our meetings are informal, non-binding and open to anyone who is interested.

We have together created a free and safe space for you here.

Here you can deal with your grief in peace. You determine your own pace. If necessary, you will receive moderating but also active support from the bereaved members of the management team who are present as part of the bereavement support and bereavement group on a voluntary basis.

Jugendtrauergruppe SitzkreisOur concrete offer.

  • Single accompaniment
  • Monthly bereavement group
  • Regular Death Cafe
  • Excursions to thematically appropriate events, film screenings, cemeteries, undertakers or trade fairs
  • Advice for legal guardians, the social environment (people with an educational mandate) on relevant issues
  • Annual celebration on the subject „Día de los Muertos“